Getting to the Altar

Select your colors based off your flowers

October 26th, 2010 § 1 comment

By David Bonilla

Watching Valerie try to come up with colors and a theme for the wedding is confusing to me. I wish I could help out more, but if it were up to me, the wedding colors would be red and gold and have ninjas. Good thing Valerie has more sense than me.

What I have figured out is that it is probably easier to pick your colors by finding some flowers that you like and not base your flowers off of a predetermined color pallet. So it looks like that is what we might do and I will try to be as helpful as possible while not suggesting ninjas.

We’ll take a look around at a few flower shops with our coordinator and see if we can find some inspiration. Valerie has already found some pictures of arrangements that she likes so we have a starting point.

We’ll see what happens from there.

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