Getting to the Altar

Rain rain go away…

February 11th, 2011 § 2 comments

By David Bonilla

Yesterday, early weather reports for February 20 called for a 60% chance of rain. Val was getting a little worried about this, as we do not want to make our guests uncomfortable and do not want to deal with the hassle of moving the wedding indoors. However, today, the early forecasts have changed a bit and it looks like the storm has been pushed up. Hopefully is stays this way. Really, this is the best scenario because if it rains prior, that will make the sky so clear and the location has the great view of the mountains that I grew up with.

However, it may still be a bit chilly. So you may want to dress warmly for the ceremony portion. The reception will be indoors. It’s funny that the early forecasts call for colder weather on a day with “Plenty of Sun” than the days with rain.

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