Getting to the Altar

Time keeps on ticking…

December 7th, 2010 Comments Off on Time keeps on ticking…

By Valerie Gonzales

Several months ago, I thought about all the time I had before our wedding and felt pretty much under control. Sure, there were tasks to accomplish, but I would not be one of THOSE brides who flip out over every little detail. I guess part of me is still laid back in a way, but the practical side of me realizes how many small tasks there are and how quickly time moves forward.

Simple tasks such as making time to shop for a pair of shoes, or playing with some crafty ideas for a few Do-It-Yourself touches seem to fade off into the distance as more realistic jobs fall into my lap. No wonder some women start planning from the day they get engaged and don’t stop until the trip down the aisle…there really is enough work to make it last! It is important to just take everything one step at a time, and focus on the result. Lucky for me, at the end of this journey I get to start married life with the man of my dreams!

So, on the plate for the remainder of this month are invite preparation, table numbers and seating cards, and finding the perfect pair of wedding shoes! If I have time, maybe I’ll throw in some Christmas shopping too 🙂

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